Thursday, March 25, 2010

Science Research - Giving and Receiving

A very interesting stuff to share…

According to a Scientific Research (researchers from The University of Michigan) carried over a period of 5 years on 423 elderly married couples, Giving (instrumental and emotional) greatly reduced mortality rate of those who give. For those who provide instrumental help (eg. running errands, providing rides) to others, their (the givers) mortality risk (死亡率 ) reduced by 42%. For those who provide emotional support for others, their (the givers) mortality risk reduced by 30%. Furthermore, it is also interesting to note that for those who receive help from others, the effect on their mortality risk is minimal.

Source and References : (Full Research Article : PROVIDING SOCIAL SUPPORT MAY BE MORE BENEFICIAL THAN RECEIVING IT: Results From a Prospective Study of Mortality) (Chinese)

Thank you and best regards.