Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Wit and Kindness of Lady Zhan

Here is my simple translated version of the story contained in the Chinese Text Book of Virtues, Book two, Chapter on Filial Piety. Please pardon my translation errors and let me know if you spot any errors.

During the Song dynasty, there was this young lady with the surname of Zhan who lived in the Wuhu area. Since young, she followed the ways of her father, reading the classics and books of learning. Every night, she recited the classic, <<烈女传>> (Biographies of Exemplary Women) several times before retiring for the night. She had also copied down the classic once.

When she was of age seventeen, robbers attacked the city of Wuhu and successfully took control of it. Both her father and elder brother were captured and the robbers were about to kill them. The young lady pleaded with the robbers, crying and begging them, "Please! Although I'm poor and ugly, I'm very willing to follow all of you, in exchange for the life of my father and brother." The robbers consented. She then waved to her father and brother, telling them, "Leave quickly, do not think of me and worry about me, I feel contented to follow the Generals." After that, she left with the robbers. After walking several miles, they came to a bridge east of the city. On the bridge, the young lady jumped into the waters below and was drowned. Many of the robbers were stupefied by the sight.

Lu Kun commended on the virtues of this lady. Her wit and submissive words during the moment of crisis had saved the life of her father and brother. If they were to put up a resistance and condemned the robbers, the whole family would have perished.

Original Chinese story available HERE 《德育课本》,二集卷一,《二十四孝》, 编号 : dykb2-01, story number 12).

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